IR/INFO 2026
Orlando, Florida
February 1-4, 2026
Infrared Conference and Infrared Training
Infraspection Institute, the undisputed leader in infrared thermographic education and training, created and developed IR/INFO in 1987 as a forum for information exchange in the thermographic, NDT, and P/PM realms. This unique program is well known within industry as the original source for infrared information exchange. As we have throughout the last decade, Infraspection once again presents you with the opportunity to join us for four days of dynamic education at its finest.
IR/INFO is a unique gathering initially created by thermographers for thermographers. However, engineers, technicians, and managers involved in P/PM or NDT technology will also benefit from the expansive relay of information during this increasingly popular symposium.

Infraspection Institute invites you to join us at IR/INFO 2026, to be held February 1-4, 2026 in Orlando, Florida. Whether you are a return or a new guest, expect to hear (and share, if you’d like) success stories, proven techniques, and interesting case histories. Learn more about program and cost justification, results of technological research, and equipment updates. Network, discuss and find solutions and answers to your thermographic challenges and questions. Be proactive and be part of an exchange of information that is practical and relevant, clear and comprehensive. Return to your facility armed with knowledge that you can share and apply to the benefit of all!
Be a part of the cutting edge of technology by joining us at IR/INFO! Our symposium will assist you to be prepared for facing technological challenges within your work environment. Whether you are the “Answer Guy” at your facility, or a newcomer to the world of maintenance and industry, IR/INFO will provide you with a foundation for providing solutions and answers to your questions.
Who Should Attend
- Thermographers
- Process Control Supervisors
- Maintenance Managers
- Loss Control Specialists
- Reliability Engineers
- P/PM and NDT Personnel
- Manufacturers
- Quality Assurance Inspectors
- Home and Building Inspectors
How You Will Benefit
- Education
- Learn New Technology
- Networking
- See Latest Developments
- Share Ideas
- Discover New Applications & Techniques