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IR/INFO 2026

Orlando, Florida
February 1-4, 2026

Infrared Conference and Infrared Training


  • Instructor with Drone Infrared Teaching
  • Jim Hall exhibitor at IR/Info 2023
  • Sunday Dinner at IR/INFO 2023

What They Said…

It was an absolute privilege to participate in the IR/INFO Conference in Orlando, where innovation meets expertise. The event was impeccably organized, offering a fantastic platform to connect with experts and industry leaders who share our passion for innovation.

We’re excited to see how these connections will drive collaboration and innovation in the industry. Looking forward to what’s next!

Giora Levi, Ofil Systems Group

One of the most valuable takeaways from this conference was its meticulous organization. The staff really understands the logistics of hosting a conference like this and it’s incredibly refreshing to attend a conference that was flawlessly executed.  It’s easy to spot a conference that’s nothing more than a cash grab and IR/INFO was not that at all. This profound and dedicated group of professionals truly care first and foremost about the value that the conference brings to everyone, and that has earned my respect and loyalty.

Brett Warwick, EXSERO Software, Inc.

I count myself very lucky to be amongst the attendees of IR/INFO. I gained extensive knowledge and met friendly, open-minded people with whom I have made lasting friendships. Thank you for your support!

Harold Maxwell Sierra, Rutile Limited

Thank you for everything! I felt everyone from Infraspection Institute had a commitment to professionalism that was beyond reproach. I believe my decision to become part of your family was a wise choice. See you next year!

~ Donn Anderson, Anderson Inspection

If you have not attended IR/INFO, you’re missing a good conference. Everything runs as smooth as silk, the venue is great and the attendees always enjoy the tradeshow, technical presentations and short courses.

To the staff at Infraspection Institute…You always do a marvelous job – thank you!

~ Greg Stockton, Stockton Infrared Thermographic Services, Inc.

I wanted to thank you again for your support at the conference a few weeks ago. It was great to meet you.

I was most impressed by your professional, friendly and supportive staff. The mix of a close knit, long term professionals with the flavor of a family was most refreshing. I took a long time (three years) to enter the business and carefully choose who to take my training with out of concern with going with the very best in the industry. Within the first few hours of conference I knew I made the right decision. From the founder to the clerical staff at the conference, friendly, thoughtful, prepared, high quality people.

Additionally the high quality of conference attendees was amazing. Infraspection has most definitely set the bar high and I know what a commitment to quality it takes to get there. Congratulations to you all on the organization you have built!

Please express my deepest appreciation to all of Infraspection staff and to Chris and Jim. I look forward to a long association with everyone at the Infraspection Institute and completing my Level Two Certification thru the Infraspection Institute.

~ Bob Byrne, Volunteer Inspection Services

What an incredible engaging, informative program your team put together. Great topics with well-prepared speakers giving up their deepest secrets for all to benefit from. Well worth my time and money to temporarily step away from my business to take it all in. Very organized and very friendly learning environment with a staff so friendly and eager to ensure all the attendees were accommodated. Can’t wait to gain more knowledge and experience so one day I can give back to the infrared community as well.

~ Gary Sloan, Advantage Inspections Peachtree

I have been a student since 2011 and attended IR/INFO twice. I love coming to the Conference to learn from others and to better my craft.

~ John Gutierrez, Hometech Inspection Services

Attending each year expands my knowledge and capabilities. It refreshes me and keeps me motivated to continue improving.

~ Dave Dispoto, Traver IDC

I just got back from the IR/INFO Conference in Orlando. What a great time! Although the temperature could have been a little warmer, we could not have gotten a warmer reception from the Infraspection staff. Jim Seffrin, his brother Chris, and the entire Infraspection staff did an awesome job and worked tirelessly to treat everyone like a part of their family. The surprises were endless. Thank you Infraspection. See you next year.

PS~ I’m adding IR to my HI business. I thought going to the IR /INFO Conference should be the first step for me. I was right.

~ Harry Mikros, Baker Street Inspection Agency

Thank You Very Much to you and your staff for another excellent IRINFO!

After completing all IR/INFO Conferences that I have attended – I am always able to enhance my present IR program with new information learned from the various speakers and from the short courses which were presented. It’s also a great opportunity to share IR data which was collected during the year with other thermographers for their opinion. The combination of IRINFO and spending a few days with fellow thermographers from around the world helps keep us all sharp and on top of our game within our industry.

~ Fred Baier, East Coast Industries

As a professional from a different but related industry, the exposure and experience I possessed coming into this conference was limited. In 3 days, this conference exposed me to a world and wealth of information about thermographic applications and techniques I can now apply to my current business model. More importantly, it gave me the information to improve my current infrared program and potentially expand to offer more services. Lastly, the contacts made at IR/INFO and the open sharing of information cannot be quantified.

Thanks for this forum and I look forward to next year.

~ Adam Blankenship, Beach Thermal Imaging

As always, presentations were informative.

Jim, Chris, Beth and Mary all worked and succeeded in making it feel like one extended family. I think we have outgrown this hotel. Food was great.

Thanks all, another great year.

~ John Wilcoxson, ARINC

IR/INFO conference is an effective place to refresh and improve your knowledge of thermal imaging. IR/INFO provides insights into the new techniques and technologies available to the thermographer.

A must for any thermographer who wants to maintain an effective thermal imaging program or service.

~ Rick Kurek, NAVSEA

I would say that if you’re not sure what Thermography is or what it’s about, this is the best source of information and opportunity to meet people in the field of Thermography and the brotherhood of thermographers.

IBEW Local 26 Washington, DC

~ Bob Barsell, Truland Service

A great function to start the year off for new ideas, opportunities and friendships for everyone involved.

I look forward to next year.

~ James Brady, Brady Infrared

As a new thermographer I was exposed to several utilizations of this technology that were new to me. The education was very diverse and non-selfish. The accommodations were great and the attendees very welcoming.

~ Daniel Ohs, AsiMI

A very informative conference, covering a wide range of thermographic applications presented in a professional, well organized format. I have attended other conferences and plan on being a regular attendee.

~ Bill Grube, Thermal Inspection Services

A diverse group of professionals with a diverse range of expertise. Information that is delivered is done with an underlying theme of sincerity, passion and orientated presentations/presenters are well choreographed and organized.

This was my first IR/INFO conference and it confirmed my decision to choose the Institute and this conference over all others.

~ Bill Arnot, Apex Infrared

Wonderful experience!

Always something new even for the experienced!

Great Job!

~ Joel Fallbright, PPL Susquehanna LLC

I never would have believed that the amount of information shared by all speakers at IR/INFO 2004 would be so varied and with such content. This is my first IR/INFO but it certainly won’t be the last.

~ Antonio Alvia, Pfizer

If you are a thermographic professional, would like to be, or simply a layperson seeking to better understand the industry, its technology, and/or the latest in cutting edge infrared and other PDM technology applications, IR/INFO is an invaluable learning and networking opportunity!

Thank you!

~ Rob Callahan, Thermaquest (TQI)

In a relatively short period of time, you get exposed to Thermography products, expanded uses for infrared imaging and the opportunity to meet with others who share similar interests. I think I learned foremost that Thermography is an art and a science, but even more importantly it is a community where individuals freely share experiences.

One suggestion: Would be good idea to have list of attendees/ with their companies and e-mail addresses.

~ Mark Wagner, Exelon

Keyword is “open mindedness”. The underlying theme of the entire session is professionalism at its best. Attention to detail without losing sight of the forest!


~ Neil Hall, Neil Hall PLD, AIA

Continuing education and keeping up with new technology.

~ Allen B. Fox, CAMCO

Tremendous talent pool in the attendees, presenters and hosts. Learned much after hours as well as in-sessions.

~ Jim Lies, Infrared Predictive Maintenance

As a newcomer to the IR community IR/INFO has allowed a giant step from limited knowledge of the industry and the industry leaders to a feeling of being a member of the IR professional community.

Thanks for the great opportunity and looking forward to IR/INFO 2005.

~ William S. Cook, Visual IR-FX

An extremely enlightening experience.

I came to IR/INFO for the 5 short courses. These struck my interest and fit into the expectations of my IR program. I expected to be bombarded with semi-sales information with all the other sub-presentations. This, I have experienced in many expos/infos/programs.

What I found was 25 of the most informative and question raising topics presented in a manner not for self gain, but for group gain.

IR/INFO makes you feel like a fraternity brother rather than a gain seeking professional, though both are accomplished.

~ Michael E. Hubbs, Charleston CPW

No matter how much you already know about thermography, not how much experience you have, you will learn something new at this conference that will help you become a better thermographer.

~ Clint Cox, Eastman Chemical

The experience was very informational. The range of topics discussed and the knowledge of the presenters and the Infraspection Institute staff was significant.

The whole atmosphere of the conference was friendly and exceedingly professional.

The willingness of experts in their fields to share.

~ David Atkins, Pro-Active Consulting

Refresher courses were good. After a while in this industry knowledge becomes wisdom. It is always good to re-address the foundation of the knowledge.

Small venue brings about a family atmosphere. Good to catch up with old friends.

~ Harley Denio, Oregon Infrared

Friends, I would like to thank the both of you for inviting me to speak at IR/ INFO 2003. I look forward each year to attending so that I can interact and learn new ideas from old friends and also make new ones. Each year that I attend IR/INFO I always come back to Con Ed with new ideas and techniques that I can put into practice in my infrared inspections.

I also share this information with various other groups who have an interest. I guess this is the reason my company allows me to attend each year. I also want to thank the both of you for being such good friends. You are always there when I come across problems that I don’t have an answer for, it is very reassuring. As I told Paul Grover (YODA), “I’m not an expert but I know where I can get an answer”. Thank you for the hospitality you showed my family and I.

~ Tom Frail, Consolidated Edison

I want to take this opportunity to thank you and your families for a very well run conference/symposium you did a wonderful job. And this is coming from a person who hates conferences/symposiums, it is both informative and enjoyable.

~ Michael Yochelson, Brams Electric, Inc.

I’m thrilled to see the IR/INFO conference back on the infrared landscape. The variety and scope of presentations mean there is something of interest for every Thermographer. See you next year!

~ Larry Davis, Davis Aviation

This has been a great learning experience for me, being the very first time to attend the Infraspection Symposium. I have learned more from this than from both Level I and II classes. Presentations were very informative, learned some “tricks” about IR scanning, and our exhibitor gave me more than enough info to take back to our facility. Hope to see you all next year if not sooner.

~ Ruben Balmaceda, Intel Corporation

2001 IR/INFO one of the most diversified in presentations with new technology and new ideas.

I/R is changing and advancing, new applications are constantly being found and this comes from more people involved, learning and doing I/R and at IR/INFO this is being shared.

I would like to see a group feedback 9-10 months after IR/INFO on anything learned on ideas sprung from (INFO) that were taken back to your job (company) tried, implemented or even shared. The exhibitor show was very well organized with very knowledgeable people, this was a friendly group that was easy to visit and discuss with new equipment. Not once did I hear one group bad mouthing another and this was refreshing. It is nice to see all attending to be going in the same direction to further all in a positive direction.

~ Art Grosch, Intel Corporation

Something for everyone. Interesting and informative for the first time novice to the experienced pro. The networking opportunities alone were worth the price of admission.

~ Paul Miller, Dominion Virginia Power

You may have been to the rest, but now it is time to get back to the best! IR/INFO 2001 far exceeded my expectations an d is the “premium” IR Conference to attend in the industry.

~ Craig Shepherd, Detroit Edison

IR/INFO: 1st conference attended, excellent range of subject coverage with all presentations providing new and/or better Thermographer methods and reasoning skills. Found the diversity, professionalism and kindred spirit of the attendees to be almost, (if not as much) value as the presentations. About the IR/INFO Exhibitors: Enjoyed meeting and listening to their presentations. Thank you.

~ Mike Sharlon, ACS Thermasearch

I thought that everything went smoothly. No hitches. If there were any, they were transparent. Everyone acted professional and shared info freely. The atmosphere was friendly and informative. Great job guys. Welcome back.

~ Harley Denio, Oregon Infrared

IR/INFO is the most informative information seminar that I have attended. The presentations and information presented was very helpful and useful.

~ Bruce Williams, Intel Corporation

Thank you! To have the best of the best together was the highlight of my career! And to have grandpa Grover back only completes the event. We truly are a family. Thanks again.

~ Dick Toth, Sacramento Municipal Utilities District

Who Should Attend

  • Thermographers
  • Process Control Supervisors
  • Maintenance Managers
  • Loss Control Specialists
  • Reliability Engineers
  • P/PM and NDT Personnel
  • Manufacturers
  • Quality Assurance Inspectors
  • Home and Building Inspectors


  • Education
  • Learn New Technology
  • Networking
  • See Latest Developments
  • Share Ideas
  • Discover New Applications & Techniques